Podiatry Blog

A Drug-Free Option to Eliminate Pain!

A Drug-Free Option to Eliminate Pain!

For so many Americans—across all ages and demographic groups—pain is a fact of life. It doesn’t discriminate: Youth athletes who sprain their ankles or break a bone Adults who work on their feet all day and struggle with chronic heel pain and fatigue Peripheral...

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Getting to Know Your Fungal Nails

Getting to Know Your Fungal Nails

“Therefore, I say: know thine enemy and know yourself, and in one hundred conflicts you will naturally prevail.” –Sun Tzu Okay, first things first—Sun Tzu probably didn’t have fungal toenails in mind when he wrote “The Art of War.” He may have had them, we suppose,...

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Fungal Toenails: What NOT to Do

Fungal Toenails: What NOT to Do

FUNGAL TOENAILS: WHAT NOT TO DOTake it from us—fungal toenails are one of those annoying problems that are relatively easy to acquire, yet often very difficult to get rid of. An ill-advised barefoot romp around the pool deck or even a pedicure gone wrong may be all...

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Tips to Relieve Heel Pain from Home

Tips to Relieve Heel Pain from Home

Perhaps it hits you in the morning, right when you get out of bed and put your feet on the floor. Sharp, stabbing heel pain that makes you hobble for a few minutes until your feet “warm up.” Or maybe you’re training for the Alexandria Running Festival and have found...

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