
Foot and Ankle Surgery

Podiatry located in Alexandria, VA

Foot and Ankle Surgery

About Foot and Ankle Surgery

Your podiatrist could recommend foot and ankle surgery if you have a foot or ankle problem that doesn’t improve with conservative treatments like custom-fitted orthotics or physical therapy. At Capital Podiatry Associates in Alexandria, Virginia, board-certified podiatrists Leland Gilmore, DPM, and Shalin Panchigar, DPM, specialize in several types of foot and ankle surgery, including bunion surgery, ankle fusion, and Achilles tendon repair. Call Capital Podiatry Associates today to schedule a foot and ankle surgery consultation, or book your appointment online.

Foot and Ankle Surgery Q&A

What is foot and ankle surgery?

Foot and ankle surgery refers to various procedures that repair or replace damaged or diseased tissues. Capital Podiatry Associates offers several foot and ankle surgeries, but they take a minimally invasive approach whenever possible. Minimally invasive surgery uses smaller incisions, lowering the risk of complications and shortening recovery.

Should I consider foot and ankle surgery?

Consider foot and ankle surgery at Capital Podiatry Associates if you have foot or ankle pain that doesn’t ease with conservative treatments like rest, ice, and physical therapy. That’s especially true if you experience severe pain and/or mobility problems that affect your daily activities and quality of life.

What are some common types of foot and ankle surgery?

Capital Podiatry Associates provides several types of foot and ankle surgery, including:

Ankle fusion

You might benefit from this procedure if you suffer from ankle arthritis. During ankle fusion, your podiatrist binds your ankle bones together with pins, rods, and screws, joining them together. This relieves pain and stiffness while improving mobility.

Achilles tendon repair

This procedure repairs a torn Achilles tendon, the tough tissue band connecting your calf muscle to your heel bone. During surgery, your provider sews the pieces of your tendon back together, relieving pain and restoring mobility.

Bunion correction (bunionectomy)

This surgery treats a bunion, a painful bump on the outside edge of the big toe. Your provider makes a small incision on the side of your big toe, removes the bunion, and realigns your big toe joint. Then they stabilize it with pins, rods, and/or screws.

Flatfoot reconstruction

Your provider might recommend this surgery if you have flat feet or fallen arches. This procedure repairs the damaged ligaments and tendons, realigns your foot bones, and restores the arch’s support.

What happens after foot and ankle surgery?

After foot and ankle surgery, it’s normal to experience mild swelling, bruising, and pain. Most procedures are outpatient, but you might need to stay in the hospital for a night or two. To speed up healing, get plenty of rest, take medication as prescribed, and follow the doctor’s recovery instructions.

Call Capital Podiatry Associates today to schedule a foot and ankle surgery consultation, or book your appointment online.