Custom orthotics provide a convenient way to relieve foot pain caused by structural abnormalities, diabetic wounds, and other foot problems. At Capital Podiatry Associates in Alexandria, Virginia, board-certified podiatrists Leland Gilmore, DPM, and Shalin Panchigar, DPM, prescribe custom orthotics to treat various foot and ankle problems. Call Capital Podiatry Associates today to schedule a custom orthotics consultation, or book your appointment online.
Custom orthotics are prescription shoe inserts that treat various foot and ankle problems. They look similar to over-the-counter (OTC) insoles but are designed specifically for your feet. Since orthotics support your unique needs, they can prevent or delay more invasive procedures like surgery.
Capital Podiatry Associates offers several types of custom orthotics, including:
These orthotics are made of rigid, unbendable materials like carbon fiber and plastic. They slip inside closed-toed shoes and relieve aches and strains. Your provider could also prescribe them if you have a gait abnormality (an unusual way of walking) that causes lower back, leg, or thigh pain.
These orthotics are made of soft, padded material. The inserts provide extra support and take the pressure off sensitive spots like diabetic ulcers and blisters. Soft orthotics are bulkier than rigid ones, so you’ll need to wear them with prescription footwear like diabetic shoes.
Capital Podiatry Associates uses custom orthotics to treat various foot problems, including:
Sometimes, orthotics are prescribed to treat leg, knee, and lower back pain caused by walking abnormalities.
Getting custom orthotics involves two visits to Capital Podiatry Associates about a week apart.
Your provider reviews your health history, asks about your symptoms, and examines your ankles, feet, and toes.
They complete a gait analysis, which assesses how you walk and move. Often, these steps are enough to recommend orthotics. However, your provider might also order diagnostic imaging (X-rays or ultrasound) if you have bunions or other structural foot problems.
Your provider then takes 3D scans of your feet. They send these to a podiatry lab that makes your custom orthotics.
You return to Capital Podiatry Associates after the lab completes your orthotics. Your provider has you try them on and check their fit. They also ask you to walk back and forth to ensure that the orthotics provide the necessary support.
It takes about a month to adjust to orthotics, but once that happens, you feel less pain and see improved mobility.
Call Capital Podiatry Associates today to schedule a custom orthotics consultation, or book your appointment online.