Bunions can cause agonizing foot pain with every step you take. With their conservative approach to bunion pain relief, board-certified podiatrists Leland Gilmore, DPM, and Shalin Panchigar, DPM, at Capital Podiatry Associates in Alexandria, Virginia, offer several effective bunion therapies. Book your visit today by clicking on the online scheduling feature or calling the office.
A bunion is a joint deformity that develops at the base of your big toe (the metatarsophalangeal joint). As your big toe can regularly be moved out of place, sometimes due to ill-fitting shoes, the joint becomes enlarged, and your big toe is pushed into your smaller toes; it can even overlap your second and/or third toe. With time, this leads to a permanent joint misalignment.
While ill-fitting footwear is a common cause of bunions, you can be prone to them because you inherited a foot shape or deformities present since birth. In other cases, bunions occur because of foot trauma. It isn’t always known why some men and women develop bunions, although symptoms are almost always similar.
Besides the prominent bump on the side of your foot, bunions can lead to uncomfortable side effects. For instance, it’s common to develop painful corns across the tops of your toes as they rub against the insides of your shoes. Or you could develop sore and swollen calluses over the bony bump. Bunions can also lead to:
The bigger the bunion gets, the more inflamed it becomes, which can make walking increasingly difficult and painful. You can also wind up with similar problems on your baby toe joint, which is called a bunionette.
Possibly, although the providers at Capital Podiatry Associates first put together a more conservative treatment plan to see if you get the relief you need. Increasing arch support is often helpful. Effective bunion treatments can include:
Your provider could order X-ray imaging to assess your deformity and determine if surgery is an option. Bunion surgery involves straightening your toe joint and removing damaged tissue and deformed bone. If you do need surgery, Capital Podiatry Associates uses minimally invasive techniques that shorten your recovery and lower the risk of complications after surgery.
Start treatment at Capital Podiatry Associates before your bunions get worse. Request an appointment online or call the office to book one.